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Relaxing Foot Massage

Relaxing Foot Massage

Do you suffer from tired, aching feet? Enjoy this relaxing DIY foot massage and be well on your way to foot bliss in no time.

1. Soak your feet in warm water for ten to fifteen minutes. Add in a few drops of your favourite essential oil to the water.
2. Remove your feet from the water and dry them thoroughly. 
3. Smooth moisturising cream onto one of your feet and rest it on the opposite thigh. 
4. Firmly run your thumb up the arch of your foot.
5. Use circular movements and just enough pressure to massage the rest of the food. If you feel a ‘grisly’ spot or something that feels like a bur under your fingers, pause and massage this area until the bur fades. 
6. After ten minutes, switch to the other foot. 

Pay attention to which areas have burs and then if you’re keen on reflexology theory, relate this area to a reflexology foot map to see which area of your body needs further attention. 

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Science Notes

Despite using our feet for most of the day, they are probably the least pampered parts of the body. But the good news is that a simple foot massage is an easy way to make them feel pampered again. Foot massage is also a great way to relieve stress and boost circulation. It has also been said to improve immune function and aid in detoxification.

Related Tip

There are numerous types and styles of shoes available. Be sure that you wear comfortable shoes that have the right support for you. For example, wearing lace up shoes can reduce soreness of the feet. This is because the laced up shoes maintain the alignment of your leg allowing the muscles and ligaments to have equal amounts of pressure.