The Artisan & Professional Standard recognise individual expertise. Artisan products are made in small amounts either locally or in hand picked communities where the skill is prized. Professionals provide consulting, story telling & services to the sustainability sector.
The Conservation & Environment Standard is concerned with the world we live in and the impact we have on it through our actions.
The Energy, Utility and Building Standard identifies green rated buildings, offices & built spaces; clean energy installers; green water, power & energy efficiency and off the grid businesses. Either formally certified or self declared.
The Multi Sector & Business Standard supports certifications at a business level as well as processes that deal with all of the elements of a product's life from ingredient sourcing, through manufacture and on to disposal.
The No Exploitation Standard means no exploitation of any animal (human or non-human) in the growth, production, testing or delivery of a product - either systemically or directly.
The Organic or Chemical Free Standard covers credentials for organic or natural; free of toxic chemicals including known carcinagens, pesticides, colourings, shelf life agents; or non GM (Genetically Modified).
The Packaging Standard covers the materials used in the packaging that surround products. It takes into account how the packaging is made and how it disposes at end of use.
The Place of Origin Standard identifies Australian or New Zealand made or designed, Locally made, Indigenous or Single Origin products. Either formally certified or self declared.
The Recycle Standard certifications cover the materials used in the products themselves and how it all disposes at end of use. Recycle Standards also acknowledge those who recycle other's waste.
The Systemic Sustainability Standard supports a range of actions which essentially describe the same intention - that the business or it's product, by virtue of its existence gives more than it takes and seeks to influence others to be more sustainable.