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Asian Pennywort

Asian Pennywort

Centella asiatica - Asian pennywort

Centella asiatica, Asian pennywort or gotu kola is a herbaceous annual with small kidney-shaped leaves that has been used for thousands of years across India, China and Africa for its healing and health benefits. Growing in creeping mats, typically in damper areas, Asian pennywort is prolific across much of Australia. 

Having garnered pseudonyms including "the fountain of youth" and "the pharmaceutical plant" due to its rejuvenation, blood purification, digestive and nervine properties, the evergreen herb has edible leaves and stems tasting akin to parsley, though a tad bitter, which has seen it paired with sweet things, such as coconut and sweet fruits, over the years.

It is often eaten as a leafy green alongside curries and other Asian/Indian/Indonesian dishes and can also be eaten raw in a salad, or in smoothies too.

Here are just a few of the reasons Centella asiatica earned its reputation as a super-weed:

  • Contains vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B6
  • Rich in Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese and Zinc
  • Speeds the process of skin and wound healing (including minor burns)
  • Stimulates blood vessel growth
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti-ulcer
  • Anti-spasmodic
  • Mild sedative effects
  • Stimulates brain function including memory and concentration ability
  • Said to combat arthritic pains

Due to the water-loving nature of the plant, be sure that the area you're collecting it from - or growing it in - is free of pollutants. Recommended intake is a mere 2 leaves per day!

If you can't find any yourself, you could always hit the nearest Asian supermarket and grab yourself a pennywort drink instead.

Image: sakhorn/Shutterstock

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