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Bamboo Charcoal Eco Toothbrush - Adult Soft



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The soft adult Eco Toothbrush is an eco-friendly alternative to your typical plastic toothbrush. Its handle is made from 100% bamboo which means it is biodegradable at the end of its life (simply snap off the head or pull out the bristles before burying or composting).

The bristles contain charcoal reactive ion which absorbs dental plaque helping to make your teeth healthy and white. The bristles are also...

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The soft adult Eco Toothbrush is an eco-friendly alternative to your typical plastic toothbrush. Its handle is made from 100% bamboo which means it is biodegradable at the end of its life (simply snap off the head or pull out the bristles before burying or composting).

The bristles contain charcoal reactive ion which absorbs dental plaque helping to make your teeth healthy and white. The bristles are also moisture-proof, antibacterial and are ultra-fine with tapered ends to help achieve a deep clean.

Why have we selected this product?

Eco-friendly and sustainable bamboo handle
Biodegradable at the end of its life (simply remove bristles before burying / composting)
Bristles contain charcoal reactive ion to absorb plaque
Ultrafine bristles with tapered ends to protect gums and get into the smallest of gaps
Moisture-proof and antibacterial bristles
100% vegan friendly
Bristles made from degradable polymer
Ergonomic handle for your comfort

Product Stats:

Material: Bamboo handle / polymer bristles
Dimensions / weight: 17.5 cm L / 15cm L
Made in: China
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