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Can You Really Trust a Shiny Supermarket Apple?

Can You Really Trust a Shiny Supermarket Apple?

Go local - it's fresher and less likely to be covered in fungicides and wax

While those beautiful supermarket apples might look like they were picked yesterday, it is simply impossible. Supermarket produce has generally been through one hell of a journey to
get to you, and like most of us after a big trip, comes off a little worse for
wear. Supermarket produce spends weeks in transit, from hours on a truck and
maybe even a plane, to endless days in a cold room, it is far from fresh by the
time it reaches you.

It is common practice for
supermarkets to coat fruit and vegetables in a wax that will make the produce
appear shiny and also to preserve whatever "freshness" may be be left. If you have ever tried to clean wax off anything, you will know how hard it is to get off. If you don't clean it off, you ingest it. As if wax isn't enough, supermarket produce is also often sprayed with fungicides for mould and
if they have crossed a border at any point are most likely fumigated with methyl bromide to comply with quarantine regulations. 

Your own garden, local farmers market, farm gate or your local
green grocer are great sources of fresh produce. Just make sure you are buying from the grower. If you buy from a wholesaler or aggregator, check how old the produce is. Remember - once harvested,
produce starts to lose nutrients, so local produce with a shorter distance from
harvest to your plate is far better for you. See more at Buying Local for the Environment.

Image: Elnur/Shutterstock

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