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Caring for Your Electronics

Caring for Your Electronics

Despite the protestations of marketing, it is essential that we look after and maintain our electronics so that they can have a long life. 

These are several tips you can follow to improve the life span and functioning of your electronics:

  1. Ensure that your electronic has a case or cover as this will help protect it from crashes and fall
  2. Use a screen protector for your touch-screen electronics
  3. Where possible, drain your electronic completely before re-charging to 100%
  4. Turn the power off every now and then (try for once a week)
  5. Clean your electronic often using safe products

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Science Notes

Smartphones and tablets can carry more bacteria and germs than found on a toilet seat!

It is therefore important that you clean your electronic often as well as its case. This will ensure that the bacteria and germs are removed. Use a microfiber cloth to clean your electronic on a regular basis.

Related Tip

It is best to get into the habit of not using your phone while you eat, instead reach for your electronic after you have washed your hands.