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Choosing Solar Power

Choosing Solar Power

Solar power is a renewable resource and more importantly, one that puts you firmly in charge of both your electricity supply and its cost

Solar panels use the energy from the sun and convert it into electricity. There are many excellent solar panel providers around, including many on this site. You will need to talk to an expert, but these are the kinds of questions you need to ask yourself first:

  1. What is my house shade / sun position? Will I be able to get enough sun to make solar a viable option? 
  2. How much energy do I want to produce? Using your electricity bills as a starting point, work out how much energy you wish to generate.
  3. What is the physical area in which my solar panels will be placed?
  4. What is my budget in both purchasing, running and maintaining my photo voltaic panels?

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Science Notes

The solar power system process:

  1. Solar panels on your roof capture the energy from the sun through photo voltaic panels
  2. This energy is converted into an electrical current
  3. The electrical current is sent to a power box which is usually located near your house or building
  4. This power is now ready to be used. 

Related Tip

At night time or when it is a cloudy day, the power box turns off and power is used from the nearest power grid unless you store your electricity in batteries.