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Compostable vs Degradable. What is the difference?

Compostable vs Degradable. What is the difference?

Compost-A-Pak are always being asked about compostable vs degradable (or biodegradable). Packaging product marketing is confusing

To help you with this question we have created the little info-graphic below to explain the difference between Biodegradable v’s Compostable. Here are a couple of other useful tips that you might find valuable as there are so many different kinds of plastics and it's very easy to get confused. 

Green or Naturally Degradable

Some plastic bags labelled ‘Green and Degradable’ or ‘Naturally Degradable’ contain an additive which makes them break down faster into smaller fragments. But these bags are made from normal plastic (polyethylene), so they are not in fact ‘green’ at all. The correct term for these ‘degradable’ bags is ‘oxo-degradable’.

The only products that break down into organic compounds (not plastic fragments) are not plastic in the first place. Compost-A-Pak® products are made from corn, but are completely plastic free and compostable. They take as long as a corn cob to break down - into organic compounds (not plastic fragments or microplastics) as they are predominantly made from third grade corn. This corn is unsuitable for human or animal consumption, and so is a waste product normally left to rot by farmers. The corn is sourced from  international GMO free regions in high rain fall areas to minimise any irrigation  requirements, and is produced on equipment re-engineered to minimise electricity consumption. 

Home Compostable vs Industrial Compostable

Products that are compostable at home like our Compost-A-Pak bags, can literally be added to your home compost. Those that are industrially compostable must be sent to a commercial composting facility in order to achieve the right amount of heat and light to break down.

Councils with Commercial Compost facilities are currently a minority

Hopefully, this will change over time as more Councils adopt Commercial Composting Facilities where all food, garden and dog waste can be processed. Companies including SoilCo (Port Kembla) have a Commercial Composting Facilities which are scientifically controlled and turn the waste into (safe) horticultural products. The mind shift has begun and is progressing, we are grateful for this and hopeful for the future. 

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Related Tip
The only products that will break down into organic compounds are those labelled specifically as Home Compostable or Commercially (Industrial) Compostable. 
Anything labelled ‘Degradable’ or ‘Biodegradable’ is not compostable. These terms don’t mean anything unless proven by a performance standard like Australian Standard AS4736.

Another commonly misleading or at least confusing plastic type is bio plastics. They are plastic products that originate from a biological product like corn instead of petroleum. They are however still plastic and as such, take as long to break down as any other plastic. They are simply derived from corn instead of petroleum, which is good, but after the source product, much of the processes are exactly that same and the end product is still something that will most eventually degrade, but it will be problematic for thousands of  years.