Facial steam treatments are a simple and easy way to clean your skin at home. The steam opens your pores helping to release any dirt. If you can fit in a weekly treatment, your skin will love you.2 cups of boiling water2 drops of Tea Tree essential oil1 drop of true Lavender essential oil (or German Chamomile essential oil if you prefer)
After the steam treatment, splash your face with cold water and dry.
The steam from the bowl simply opens your pores, releasing dirt and trapped toxins from the skin. You shouldn't have a steam treatment if you have hypersensitive skin or broken capillaries. Essential oils are natural concentrated extracts of herbs, leaves, bark or flowers. Different types of essential oils can benefit various skin types. To learn what essential oil is best for your skin refer to the Essential Oils Guide.
Steam inhalation is also an excellent method of introducing essential oils like eucalyptus to the lungs via the nose and throat. This can be beneficial for respiratory problems, sinus congestion, colds, flu, coughs and sore throats.