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Filters - Keep Them Clean

Filters - Keep Them Clean

Clean filters for a clean and energy efficient home

Filters are everywhere throughout your home, right from air conditioners to furnaces. Filters are important as they trap particles that circulate through our homes and cars. Particles we would otherwise be breathing, wearing or ingesting.  

The flow of air through any space we occupy is better when it's filtered.  Unfortunately, filters collect particulate matter and both impede air-flow and add costs.  Make sure you check your filters and either clean them or replace them. Filters are designed to make your home environment cleaner but left unchecked, they can actually make it worse or run up your electricity bill by making appliances work harder. 

Cleaning versus replacement?  Many filters for furnaces, air conditioners, ventilation systems and cars are easily replaced.  Dependent upon which type they are, some can also be cleaned with a vacuum, rinsed or cleaned in your dishwasher. 


There are filters on refrigerators, clothes dryers and washing machines as well as your heating and air-conditioning.  There are filters on many of our appliances and changing or cleaning them will improve their efficiency.  Check your owner's manual and keep them clean.

Check exhaust fans too - in bathrooms, closets and even in your stove range hood. These filters are usually mechanical, but are amongst the most likely to get dirty quickly.


Don't forget your car. Every internal combustion engine relies on air to run efficiently and they have filters.  Keep your car regularly serviced or check filters regularly especially if you live in a dusty, sandy area. Clean them or have them checked and replace them as needed.  It will save on petrol and maintenance. 

See also: Energy Saving Tips for Your Air Conditioner in Summer.

Image: Mindy w.m. Chung/Shutterstock

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