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Boost Your Metabolism

Boost Your Metabolism

Indulge in these tasty treats to give your metabolism a jump-start:

Apples keep you fuller for longer 
Celery contains largely undigestible cellulose and water for a low-calorie snack
Broccoli keeps your metabolism tuned, especially as you grow older
Oats contain fat soluble fibre that not only fill you up, but also give you a lot of energy
Brown rice keeps insulin levels balanced
Dark chocolate decreases the prevalence of cortisol, which is the stress hormone responsible for encouraging the body to store fat 
Grapefruit decreases insulin levels after eating to burn calories 
Garlic balances lipid levels to support blood sugar metabolism
Green tea promotes fat oxidation
Berries help block digestive enzyme activity of some starches and fats

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Science Notes
Thousands of metabolic actions happen at the same time in our bodies as we convert the food we eat into the energy. Mitochondria, inside each of our cells, acts like a kind of cell engine in metabolism. Basically, mitochondria's role is to either burn up fats and sugars to make energy or store them - which is how we put on weight if we eat too many fats and sugars.

Besides consuming the right foods, remember to exercise regularly and help to keep your mitochondrial machinery  working efficiently.  Try to eat every two to three hours and get between seven and eight hours sleep a night. 

Related Tip
Keep in mind that it’s completely normal for your metabolism to start winding down the older you get. In fact, after the age of 25, your metabolism will slow down between 5 and 10 percent per decade.