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Hannah Pads - Flower Garden Pink



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Hannahpads offer an eco-friendly, economical and healthy alternative to disposable menstrual pads and they are available in a variety of gorgeous patterns.

The internal top layer of the Hannahpad is made of unbleached 100% organic cotton meaning it won’t irritate delicate skin. They have an external waterproof coating so that there are no embarrassing leaks and they are washable and reusable for 2 to 3...

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Hannahpads offer an eco-friendly, economical and healthy alternative to disposable menstrual pads and they are available in a variety of gorgeous patterns.

The internal top layer of the Hannahpad is made of unbleached 100% organic cotton meaning it won’t irritate delicate skin. They have an external waterproof coating so that there are no embarrassing leaks and they are washable and reusable for 2 to 3 years meaning you will reduce the amount of waste you send to landfill and benefit from long term savings.

Why have we selected this product?

Easy to use – simply place into your underwear and snap in place to secure
Easy to clean – rinse and soak in cold water before washing with normal laundry (see below for more information)
Cost effective
Healthy alternative
External waterproof coating to ensure no leaks
Ultra-soft unbleached 100% organic cotton internal top layer – perfect against delicate skin
Eco-friendly alternative to using disposables
Reusable for 2 to 3 years
Increased comfort – no sticky adhesives or irritation from rubbing that can occur with disposables
Available in a variety of sizes dependent on your flow
Choice of 3 gorgeous patterns
Suitable for regular users, menstrual cup users, vaginal discharge, spotting, postpartum bleeding, light bladder leakage and those with sensitive skin

Product Stats:

Material: 100% organic cotton inside layers and waterproof outer layer
Dimensions / weight: multiple (see below)
Made in: South Korea
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