Here’s a couple of easy tips on how to use honey to help boost the appearance of your skin, eliminate spots and improve your complexion:
FacialTake a tablespoon of raw honey (Manuka honey is best) and massage gently into the skin. Leave for up to 30-minutes and then rinse with warm water and apply moisturiser as usual. Body ScrubCombine 2 cups of honey, ½ a cup of grapeseed oil, 6 tablespoons of unsweetened, grated chocolate and 2 cups of salt. Massage into skin, paying particular attention to knees, elbows and feet. Rinse with warm water and apply moisturiser as usual.Spot TreatmentDab raw honey (Manuka honey is best) onto the affected area or spot. Keep in mind that you don’t need too much. Leave the honey on overnight (if you don’t mind getting a sticky pillowcase) or alternatively, for a few hours. Rinse with warm water and apply moisturiser as usual.Make sure you buy real, unadulterated honey from a quality seller. There are literally thousands of sellers around Australia, but here are a couple on Melbourne City Rooftop HoneyBrisbane : Bee One ThirdSydney: The Urban BeehiveSpecialist Aussie Honey: Jellybush Honey
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Honey has been long revered for its healing properties, even appearing in Ancient Greece and in the Second World War as a powerful antibacterial product. Honey contains a variety of minerals, vitamins and amino acids which all work together to keep skin healthy and well moisturised. Honey is also very effective at healing wounds, reducing inflammation and protecting against infections.
Honey is the only food that doesn't go off. If you could actually get your hands on any, a thousand year old honey is supposed to taste no different to that which is one day old. If you are finding it hard to manage your honey, especially if you keep it in the fridge, try heating it a little in the microwave or over a water bath to make it a little more runny. There are many many excellent purveyors of quality honey in Australia, including many in your local neighbourhood.