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How to Wake Up Earlier

How to Wake Up Earlier

Want to know what all the early morning fuss is about but can't quite seem to get up until the fourth alarm goes off? Try these tips to help you bound out of bed in the morning.

  • Keep your evening meal light.
  • Start getting organised for bed at least an hour beforehand so you aren't in a last minute crush of adrenaline charged energy as you hit the pillow.
  • If you struggle with falling asleep early, sip a cup of warm milk. It actually works! Otherwise, listen to soothing music, read a calming book or meditate. Avoid consuming caffeine after 3pm.
  • Sleep and wake at a set time.  A good guide is asleep by 10pm and wake up at 6am.
  • Lose the snooze. It can be tempting to snatch another five minutes of sleep, but it's better if you don't. Get up when the alarm goes off.
  • Have something to get up for - an early morning jog, the sunrise, or a breakfast date with a friend. With something to look forward to and you'll be surprised how early you can get up.

Image: Unsplash - Zohre Nemati
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Science Notes

Several research studies have linked early morning rising with increased success and a happier disposition.

It seems that individuals who get up earlier get better grades, are more proactive and more optimistic, are better at problem-solving and planning, are healthier because they fit in exercise early in the day and sleep better.

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