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Nasturtiums - Companion Plant

Nasturtiums - Companion Plant

Nasturtiums would have to be one of the most fabulous companion plants in a garden. Not only are the effective as a companion plant, but they are easy to grow, look beautiful and you can eat them.

Nasturtiums are a succulent flowering plant with thin, 'brittle-ish' stems and round shield-like leaves. With bright flowers of red, orange, cream, or yellow it offers a bold presence in any thriving vegetable patch or border.

Nasturtiums are excellent companion plants to  cucumbers, tomatoes, squashes, radishes, cabbage, kale, brussel sprouts, beans, cauliflower and many more. Nasturtiums als make perfect ground coverage above potatoes, halting the spread of weeds

Well known for a keen ability to thrive in poor soil conditions, whether well lit or otherwise, they are an exceedingly easy plant to grow, particularly ideal for beginners. 

Nasturtiums exist in many varieties, some prostrate and growing in ground-covering mats, others more adept at creeping and climbing. One favoured tactic is to build a bamboo teepee and simply let them engulf it. Alternatively, prostrate species can be grown over larger surface areas to crowd out any potential intrusion of weeds.

Nasturtiums are great for pests as they attract and repel:

  • Nasturtiums attract aphids away from other plants
  • Nasturtiums repel white and black fly from tomatoes and beans
  • Nasturtiums ward off striped pumpkin beetles and other squash bugs

All it's uses as a companion plant aside, every bit of the Nasturtium is edible, including the bright flowers. Nasturtiums are a no-brainer for any budding gardener, this delicious, easy to grow flower is a true champion.

Image: Varts/Shutterstock

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