I love this room spray because it smells divine and while it's a room spray, it's an excellent insect repellent as well. It uses beautiful essential oils, which, if you are using as a room spray can really be made to suit your own preference. Just use your imagination.
10 ml of alcohol (Or use Vodka. I do.)
90 ml of water
30 drops of citronella essential oil (make sure it is essential oil)
20 drops of lemon-scented eucalyptus essential oil
20 drops of true lavender essential oil
Dilute alcohol with water in a spray bottle (Re-purpose if you can)Add the essential oils Shake wellSpray the solution around the room, careful to not spray directly onto furniture.
Image: Unsplash | Sharon McCutcheon
Citronella Essential Oil is made from Cymbopogon lemongrass and contains mainly geraniol and citronellol and geranyl acetate. It is a very effective repellent and has strong antifungal properties.