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Save Water while Washing and Drying Clothes

Save Water while Washing and Drying Clothes

On average, a household uses 15-20% of their water supply in the laundry

Not only is the laundry a high consumer of water, but also of energy and cleaning products. The below tips can help reduce the amount of water used while washing and drying clothes.

  1. Wash only full loads of washing, even if your machine has adjustable settings

    Fabric conditioner reduces creases which means less ironing time
  2. If your clothes or other items are stained, treat the stain before washing. This will prevent the need to wash them a second time
  3. Only wash clothes and other items if they are dirty. If possible wear clothes more than once before washing them. This will also extend the life of your clothing
  4. Hang clothes on the line rather than using the clothes dryer
  5. Don’t put really wet clothes into a tumble dryer - wring them out or spin them first
  6. Don’t over-dry clothes in the tumble dryer. This way you can save energy and it makes them easier to iron
  7. Check your machines regularly for leaks
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Science Notes

An estimated 15-35% of the average household’s water usage comes from the laundry. Nearly 85% of energy used for laundry comes from heating the water. 

Top loader washing machines use approximately 170-265 litres of water while a front loader uses approximately 100 litres.

Related Tip

When buying a machine, check the Energy Rating Label.  The Energy Rating Level is mandatory for a range of appliances including washing machines and clothes dryers. The label informs you of the product’s comparative energy efficiency  and the estimated energy consumption. For more information visit