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Tips on How to Start Jogging

Tips on How to Start Jogging

Jogging is the most versatile of exercises and a great way to get out and see the world. It will save you on gym fees, reduce your planetary footprint and make you fit - all for free.

  • If you have never been a jogger, get a sign off from your health practitioner.
  • Ensure you have all the correct shoes - get fitted for joggers that match your gait and foot shape. You can invest in some exercise clothes, but shorts, a tee and a hat is all you need. 
  • Start by walking briskly for 20 minutes once a day, or once every two days.  Keep increasing your speed until you are power walking.
  • After a week, increase your time to 30 or 40 minutes
  • When you feel that you can successfully power-walk comfortably, step up to a light jog. To begin with, you should try interval training, i.e. jog for a minute, walk for three minutes. 
  • Slowly but surely decrease your walking intervals until you’re jogging for the entire 30 to 40 minutes. 
  • Ensure you start every exercise session by warming up (by walking briskly for five to ten minutes) and close every session by cooling down (transitioning back to a walk and lightly stretching our your muscles).
  • Only progress to the higher jogging level (i.e. smaller interval time) when you feel comfortable doing so. 

If you find that jogging isn't something you warm to, then walking (fast) is actually just as good - some argue better.

Alternatively, and anyway, there are stairs everywhere. Make a deal with yourself to always take the stairs if they are available.

Be sensible. Don't walk up 30 floors to your desk on day one. Follow the same logic as the jogging advice. On Monday, take one flight, then the lift. On Tuesday, take two flights, then the lift and so on. 

Images: Unsplash - Bruno Nascimento | Clique Images
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Science Notes

Regular cardiovascular activities is essential for your health and well being.

Jogging and running in particular presents many health benefits including assisting in the development and maintenance of a healthy weight, promoting strong, healthy bones and muscles and developing cardiovascular (heart health) fitness.

Related Tip

Jog with a friend.

The commitment is a great way to get you to the start point each day. You get to catch up and potentially even have coffee afterwards.

And - eat more healthy foods, like fruits and vegetables. Your goal is to have a colourful and nutritious diet that leaves you feeling full and satisfied as you improve your fitness.