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Davidson Plum Powder


(Davidsonia jerseyana, Davidsonia pruriens)

Available in Fruit and Powder

Davidson Plums are a rainforest fruit and grow in Northern NSW and Queensland Australia.

This amazing superfood fruit is dark blue purple outside and a deep reddish-pink inside. Davidson Plums contain anthocyanin which give it its rich red pigments, also known for being a strong antioxidant.


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(Davidsonia jerseyana, Davidsonia pruriens)

Available in Fruit and Powder

Davidson Plums are a rainforest fruit and grow in Northern NSW and Queensland Australia.

This amazing superfood fruit is dark blue purple outside and a deep reddish-pink inside. Davidson Plums contain anthocyanin which give it its rich red pigments, also known for being a strong antioxidant.

100% Natural Freeze dried Davidson Plum
Organically grown in NSW and Queensland Australia.
Add to: smoothies, acai bowls, juices, protein balls, cereal/muesli/brekky bowls or sprinkle over salads, chia seed puddings, add to water bottles, jams, jellies, raw food cakes, sauces, home made chocolates or ice-creams/sorbets
Add to marinades for proteins or when making carpaccio.
Add to just about anything you like for breakfast-lunch-or dinner.
Sweet or savoury dishes due to Davidson Plum's low sugar content.
Tart taste like stewed rhubarb, tart and sour, which mellows out when blended with other foods or fluids.
20g = 40 serves

Davidson Plums contain Vitamin C, antioxidants and other nutrients for good health. Davidson Plums are a good source of Vitamin C, antioxidants and other nutrients for good health. They contain vitamin E, lutein, folate, zinc, magnesium and calcium. As part of a healthy diet vitamin C can assist with: Absorption of iron from food Protection against free radicals Skin health – collagen formation Normal energy metabolism Immune support
Freeze-dried Davidson Plum powder

Best stored zip locked in the fridge
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