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How to Recycle European Bees

How to Recycle European Bees

There are a surprising number of professional bee swarm and bee hive removers around

Most pest controllers will send you to a beekeeper to remove European bee hives because of the dangers involved and the specialist knowledge. It is also important to keep bees alive where possible.

If you are tempted to try and remove bees yourself, think about those big assed suits that Beekeepers wear. Well they do it for a reason! (Actually, even they still get stung from time to time.) The problem with doing it yourself is that you don't just create a problem for yourself, but the area around you as well. 

European bees are different to Australian Native bees. The Europeans are much bigger and more colourful. The Aussie Natives are quite small and look rather like a fly. The also don't sting.

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Science Notes
Bee Swarms can be aggressive. They aren't typically aggressive if left alone, but can get pretty upset if you disturb them. The problem is that once aggravated, it's pretty much impossible to stop them swarming - all 20,000 of them.  

Related Tip
The so called European bee originated in Africa and spread across Europe and Asia.

Their hive size and behaviour is strongly influenced by the climate of their habitat. Cooler climate bees build large, well insulated hives and produce a lot of honey for consumption in winter and hive insulation. 

Bees maintain their hive temperature at around 32 degrees.