If you suffer from acne or regular breakouts, indulge in this easy, DIY face masks specifically designed to combat problem skin.28 grams of French green clay (available at your local health-food store in powder form)3.5 tablespoons of Water3 tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel
There are literally hundreds of different masks for all skin types - check out some of our collection here.
Banana and HoneyHoney and ClayTomato and Milk
Calming Oatmeal MaskMoisturising Mask
French green clay is unique in its ability to absorb and adsorb without physically swelling and this is what gives the clay its excellent detoxifying capacity. It is one of the safest products to use on your skin as it draws toxins out of your skin's pores and absorbs them. French green clay is also anti bacterial and contains a range of trace elements (Mg, Ca, Zn, K, Fe, Al, Cu, Co Mo, Mn) necessary for well being. Aloe vera is a wonderful broad spectrum healer that also aids in reducing inflammation and redness s it soothes the skin.
If you have oily skin, a tomato and milk face mask may help. blend one fresh tomato and just enough milk to make a paste-like mask. Apply the paste onto your skin, being careful to avoid the eye area. Leave on for up to 15-minutes and then rinse with warm water.