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How to Get a Really Good Lunch

How to Get a Really Good Lunch

If you are lucky enough to live in Sydney CBD or Melbourne, you can literally eat the most delicious fresh salad, designed by a top chef out of a glass jar for the same price as the usual crappy old sandwich.

And it's delivered to your desk. (Maybe that's not so appealing, but I wouldn't be leaving my desk if this was about to arrive.)

Two Good Co launched in Sydney in 2015 and in Melbourne in June 2018. The food is not only spectacular, healthy and affordable, but when you buy it, you aren't the only one it's keeping healthy.

That is because every time you buy lunch, someone in a Domestic Violence shelter gets lunch too - and you are even told where the lunch you treated has gone. 

The food is prepared by women from the refuges, who are paid above award wages and supported with mentor programs, supplied by corporate business managers.

The lives that this program changes is amazing, and for me, it's the details that really add wow.

Meals are delivered in glass because it makes the food look good and special. And also because the jars are collected, sterilized and reused. Not discarded into the endless rubbish heap. The food is fresh and organic where possible. 

If you are the kind of person who prefers to know exactly where your charitable donation has gone, then one for one models are definitely for you. These boys (Rob Caslick and Cathal Flaherty) have totally nailed that model.

Two Good Co are also aligned with The Bread and Butter Project. Every Soup you buy comes with a bread roll from The Bread and Butter Project, makers of bakers - more specifically makers of refugee and asylum seeker bakers.  

Images: Two Good Co
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