There are few eco friendly ways of disposing of an old toilet. So don't toss it! Turn it into a productive kitchen garden.I sell water saving devices like composting toilets so you will see that Step 2 is telling you to install a composting toilet. (Even if you aren't thinking of installing one, you might just check them out as an alternative solution for at least one of your household toilets. You could be surprised how modern house friendly they are now.) Step 1. Uninstall your existing flush toilet. This is easier than you might think and only takes about 20 minutes. Google has plenty of guides you can refer to. (Make sure you clean it thoroughly).Step 2. Install a waterless composting toilet. Waterless composting toilets use no water and retain valuable nutrients which are broken down to an end product which is safe to use as an excellent garden fertiliser. Any composting toilet you buy should come with a guide on how to install. Step 3. Take your old flush toilet outside and transform it into a wicking bed. Place blue metal/aggregate in the bottom of the loo and add a length of PVC pie. This gives you a water reservoir and a way to fill it.Step 4.Plant out your new "Wicking Loo" and top it up with potting mix and/or compost. I've planted the West Australian Kangaroo Paw here, but you can plant whatever you like.Step 5.Fill your reservoir via the PVC inlet. When you see water flowing from the back of the toilet, you know the reservoir is full. The water will 'wick' upwards from the reservoir to the roots of the plants.Step 6. Sit back with a cold drink and marvel at the genius of what you have just created. There are many many ways to reuse things around your home. Water Wally is based in Margaret River and specialises in waste, consulting on solutions and selling grey water systems and composting toilets. Contact Us if you have any question about any of these things.