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How stand-by mode increases your energy use

How stand-by mode increases your energy use

Appliances including televisions, computers and microwaves have a standby mode - this means that the appliance is not performing its main function but is still on and using power

Standby power accounts for over 10 percent of household energy use in most Australian households. This is equivalent to about 5,000,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year and in high cost energy markets, an excellent target for anyone to save energy, money and carbon emissions easily.

Apart form active use, there are three ways in which your appliances can be using your power:

1. Active Standby

When an appliance is on but not performing its main function. Look around your house at computers, gaming consoles, televisions, microwave, ovens, stove, mobile phone chargers for obvious culptrits. 

2. Passive Standby

When an appliance is off but performing a secondary function. Any appliance that uses a remote control, a sensor function (temperature / movement) or has an electronic clock is using passive standby. 

3. Off, but not OFF

When an appliance is off and cannot perform any function that you hear or see but is performing internal functions.

Turn off appliances and lights at the powerpoint

If and when possible, turn off the appliances you are not using at the power point. Consider using a power board where it makes sense. It's easier to turn off a number of appliances - like for a home entertainment system, when you only have one switch.

Not on lighting

Turn off lighting that you are not using. You don't need a light on in every room of the house, waiting to grace your presence!

While it still uses passive standy, if you have small children who need night lights, install sensor lights in hallways and rooms you or your children tend to leave lights on for convenience. There are many plug-in options or battery operated sensor lights around.

You can save power on more than standby

There are many power vampires in your home and it pays to understand where they might be lurking.

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