(First written 10 July 2018) Well this was the recent shock of my life. As a green company news editor, I could have been wired to a socket when I discovered where my energy company was ranked on the Green Electricity Guide. (It's so bad, I'm not telling.)This is the high level Australian ranking, but if you go to Green Electricity Guide pages, you can put in your own state to get a more accurate local reading and then click each provider to find out ownership, locations and how the ranking was calculated.
This information from Total Environment Centre and Greenpeace Australia Pacific is provided to assist consumers with their choices and to assist advocacy efforts to create a greener, more sustainable energy system. They do not endorse any particular retailer. Both organisations do not receive any corporate funding from energy providers.Greenpeace does not accept money from any corporations or Governments. Retailers wishing to use this information in their advertising are advised to contact The Total Environment Centre or Greenpeace Australia Pacific before doing so.The Green Energy Electricity Guide project was funded by Energy Consumers Australia as part of its grants process for consumer advocacy projects and research projects for the benefit of consumers of electricity and natural gas. The views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect the views of Energy Consumers Australia.This information is passed on in it's entirety by ekko.world.