With now to 300 farmers across 23 rural communities in four states, Active Farmers wants to bring their program to every farming community that needs it across Australia. The company, run by Ginny Stephens, became a registered Not For Profit Organisation and Health Promotion Charity this past year because they wanted to be able to support communities whether they could afford to pay or not. Active Farmers brings together farmers and other locals through group fitness in a fun and interactive environment. As they have expanded, there are close to 100 other rural communities now interested in joining the program and Ginny raised funds on Chuffed (Edit: raised $25,640) to help launch in these towns. She wants to achieve at least 70 new communities by 2020.DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR FARMERS WITH LIMITED OR NO LOCAL ACCESS TO FITNESS EXPERTISE AND EQUIPMENT, ACTIVE FARMERS PROVIDES MOTIVATIONAL, CHALLENGING AND FUN TRAINING SESSIONS TO HELP PROMOTE GREAT PHYSICAL HEALTH AND MENTAL WELLBEING, AND THAT SUIT ALL LEVELS OF FITNESS AND EXPERIENCE.Active Farmers also provides a range of other services to build more resilient and stronger communities including nutrition, mindfulness, massage and access to mental health specialists online.Bush journalist and producer for ABC Landline, Kerry Lonergan, has joined the team as an Ambassador. Kerry has been a long term advocate for mental health and in particular for rural and remote Australia, where farmers are twice as likely to take their own lives from suicide. Exercise and community connectedness help are important in the small farming communities where people live. Active Farmer's vision is to build stronger and more resilient communities in rural and remote Australia, and your help will make a big difference.You can support Active Farmers, or if you are a farmer of member of a regional community, by contacting Active Farmers directly.